Eight Must Have Safety Items at Your Job Site

Eight Must Have Safety Items at Your Job Site

If you’ve ever been on a construction site, then you know how serious safety is taken into consideration. You’ll see construction workers going above and beyond to create the safest environment possible for the workers and potential civilians in the area. Let’s take a look at 8 must-have safety items for a job site.


Fencing is used to keep the public out of dangerous or hazardous construction areas. Things link chain-link fences, cones, and caution tape are can all be used to display the area of work.  Fencing is just as much for the workers as the public because it defines the area where they are allowed to work.


Almost anywhere you see construction, you’ll see signs warning you about it. Things like “This is a Controlled Area”, “Construction Ahead”, etc. are common signs you’ll see. Again, the emphasis here is warning the public that construction is going on and to either proceed with caution or take an alternate route


If your job site doesn’t have a first aid kit then you better get one ASAP. First aid kits are mandatory on all job sites and some contain as many as 100 different useful items that can be used in the event of an injury.


A fire can be started a variety of different ways so it’s important to always have a fire extinguisher on-site at all times. It’s also important to make sure you have the right kind of fire extinguisher because different kinds should be used for certain types of fires (chemical fire vs. a machine catching on fire)


When working in construction areas that may require you to work high off the ground, fall protection systems are a must. These come in a variety of different forms in including nets and special harnesses. Employees should also be fully trained before attempting to use them on a job site


All construction workers should be wearing the proper eyewear, ear wear, hand wear, headwear, footwear, and clothes but you should always have extras on-site in case they break or become less dependable due to wear and tear.


It’s not easy to work on a construction site when you can’t see. Proper eyewash solution should be on-site at all times for workers who get debris or substances in their eyes.


Knowing what chemicals or mixtures you have on-site is pivotal. You want to keep track of how many resources and substances you have at all times and inform all employees of the datasheets. The information should also be readily available at all times. In many cases, this can be done with a mobile app for quick and easy access.


At Atlantic Equipment, we pride ourselves on safety. We don’t only take safety seriously, but also provide some of the best safety equipment on the market for companies and individuals. For more information on our safety products, give us a call at (800) 543-3350!

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