Top Tips to Keep Your Job Site & Workers Safe from Overheating
Construction workers have a difficult job to begin with, but when the summer heat sets in, it can be even tougher. The hot weather can cause construction tools and heavy machinery to overheat and malfunction. In this blog post, we will discuss different ways this can be prevented from happening and keep your tools working safely and properly. It is important to follow these methods to keep everyone on the site safe and to keep your project from becoming damaged or delayed.

Importance of Taking Steps to Avoid Equipment from Overheating in the Summer
It’s no secret that the summer heat can be brutal. When construction workers are trying to get a job done in this extreme heat, it is important to take precautions with their tools and equipment. The last thing anyone wants is for their tools to overheat and fail them in the middle of a job.
There are a few things construction workers can do to prevent their tools from overheating and causing permanent damage.
How to Prevent Construction Tools & Equipment from Overheating
Use the Shade to Keep Equipment & Tools Safe From Direct Heat
First, it is important to keep tools and equipment in a cool, shaded area when they are not being used. If possible, try to avoid storing them in direct sunlight. The sun’s rays can cause the metal on tools to expand and warp, which can lead to malfunctioning.
Equipment that Cannot be Moved Should be Covered from the Sun

If there is equipment that cannot be moved, such as a Bobcat or other large machinery, it is important to cover it with a tarp when it is not in use. This will help to keep the sun’s rays from beating down on it and causing damage.
Use a Cooling Spray on Hot Tools & Equipment
There are also cooling sprays that can be used on hot tools and equipment. These sprays can help to lower the temperature of the metal, which will prevent it from expanding and warping.
Be Careful Not to Overload Circuit Breakers
Another thing to be careful of is overloading circuit breakers. This can happen when too many tools are plugged in and being used at the same time. When circuit breakers become overloaded, they can cause a power surge that can damage equipment. In the Summer heat, it is especially important to be careful of this because the heat can cause circuits to overheat and fail.
Reduce Usage of Heavy Machinery During Extreme Heat
If possible, try to reduce the usage of heavy machinery during extreme heat. This can help to prevent overheating and prolong the life of your equipment. If you must use heavy machinery, be sure to take breaks often and keep an eye on the temperature gauge.

Monitor Equipment for Overheating Signs

It is also important to monitor your equipment for signs of overheating. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, such as smoke or strange smells, be sure to shut off the equipment and call a professional.
Provide All Workers With Adequate Training
Last but not least, it is important to provide all workers with adequate training on how to safely use tools and equipment in the heat. This includes proper storage, usage, and maintenance. By doing this, you can help to prevent accidents and injuries on the job site.
Contact Atlantic Equipment for Construction Tools & Supplies
By following these tips, you can help to keep your construction tools and equipment from overheating in the summer heat. It is important to take precautions and be aware of the dangers that come with extreme heat. By doing this, you can keep everyone on the job site safe and prevent any damage or delays to your project. If you are looking for construction tools, safety supplies , and roofing equipment , contact Atlantic today. We offer a wide variety of products to choose from and our team is always happy to help. Visit us online or give us a call at 800-543-3350 today.