Florida is primarily known for its high humidity, and working on a construction site there, especially during the scorching summer heat, brings with it its flavor of challenges. This situation also rings true even during falls; the scorching heat combined with strenuous physical labor can lead to many heat-related health risks. However, with the proper precautions and equipment, you can beat the heat and stay cool and hydrated during even the most labor-intensive work hours. In this blog, we will discuss the best construction safety tips and equipment for heat protection in Florida and how Atlantic Equipment can help with our safety equipment sales, rentals, and deliveries.

Construction Safety Tips During The Heat
1. Stay Hydrated
The most crucial safety tip you ought to remember is to stay hydrated. Construction work requires a lot of energy, and your body requires water to provide that energy. Coupled with the hot sun and high humidity, it makes for a situation in which your body quickly loses moisture via sweating and evaporation of that sweat. This lost moisture can be recovered by drinking fluids with low salt content to stay hydrated. Through hydration, a worker not only restores the moisture that has been lost but also increases the proportion of sweat released, which helps cool the body down. It is recommended that construction workers have cold water, especially electrolyte drinks, every 15-20 minutes to preserve their body’s moisture.
2. Application of Sun Protecting Creams
There should be sun protection to limit dehydration, sunburns, heat rash, and skin cancer when working under the sun. Sunscreens should be applied throughout your neck, face, arms, and legs to prevent skin damage from the hot sun in Florida. Workers, in general, are also advised to wear sunglasses to protect their eyes from the sun whenever they are working. This is to avoid situations in which the work situation can be linked to a deteriorating eye condition.
3. Monitor Yourself And Co-workers For Signs Of Heat Stroke

Construction sites can also implement a buddy system to ensure workers monitor each other’s health conditions for signs of exhaustion, dehydration, and heat stroke. If a worker notices their partner acting sluggishly and deliriously, it is likely a sign of heat stroke or dehydration. In this case, the worker can apply first aid or relay the information to a supervisor. The buddy system is also responsible for observing a partner’s rate of urination and ensuring that their partner takes all the necessary precautions and is decked out in safety equipment to protect them from the heat.
4. Dress Appropriately
The proper wear for a construction worker under the hot Florida sun is light-colored fitting and breathable clothing made from natural fabrics because they do not retain heat like darker-colored clothes. It has to allow proper air circulation around the chest and neck of the worker to help cool off the sweat. Speaking of appropriate clothing, you can wear a light-colored hat or cap to protect your head from the sun’s rays.
5. Take Regular Breaks And Schedule Your Work
Apart from hydrating and wearing appropriate clothing, you must also remember to pace yourself. Take regular breaks from the sun and in a well-ventilated place to relax, cool off, and rehydrate. This will reduce the toll that the rigorous work and heat have on your health. Foremen and supervisors are also advised to avoid giving workers strenuous work during the sun’s peak time and should fill that time with a relaxing break.

6. Ventilate Your Work Area If Possible And Make Use of Cooling Accessories
To reduce risks of heat-related health issues, you have to make sure that work areas are well-ventilated. Enough windows should be provided for proper air circulation, and air conditioners and fans should be installed to keep the relaxation rooms cool.
Equipment Suitable for Heat Protection
These are some appropriate equipment used for heat protection in Florida:
- UV Sunglasses and safety goggles
- Caps and light-colored headgear like hard hats
- Sunscreen
- Cooling fans
- First aid kit
- Water bottle
- Breathable and lightly colored cloth
Get a Free Quote on Construction Heat Protection & PPE in Orlando, Tampa, Hallandale, & Across Florida with Atlantic Equipment
At Atlantic Equipment, we specialize in providing reliable and quality construction equipment and PPE for workers’ heat protection. We have locations in Orlando, Tampa, Pompano Beach, and Hallandale, making us Florida’s top choice for construction equipment. We carry a wide range of products and offer competitive pricing to ensure that you have the best equipment for your construction project. To learn more, explore our equipment, and get a free quote, visit us online or call us at 800-543-3350!